Renting a car is a great way to explore the city of Vancouver, and this option will actually help save you money. Renting a car will eliminate the need for plane tickets; you can direct your travel expenses toward food and fun activities instead. Having a rental car will also allow you to move around freely, and you can pick up and drive whenever you want to explore a different part of the city. 

Renting a car is a smart choice if you want to explore or travel on a budget, and the following tips will help you save money:

Book Early

To receive the best car rental deals, you have to book early. Book your car rental as soon as you finalize your travel plans, as you will likely receive better rates. Car rental rates often depend on availability, and if you book early, they will likely have more cars available, and your rates will be lower. Additionally, you will have more cars to choose from and will get to travel in a car you love. 

Shop Around

Looking at different car rental agencies will allow you to compare rates, and you will gain an understanding of the prices being offered. A little bit of research will help you save a lot of money because you will know what is out there and what every company is offering. You will come across deals and will have the opportunity to choose the best one for your trip. 

Look for Discounts

Many rental car companies offer promotions or discounts, and you may come across a great deal when you look specifically for discounts. Don’t hesitate to ask the rental car company for promotions because they may be able to offer you something unexpected. Whether it’s a multi-day discount package or certain days of the week that come with discounts, it’s never a bad idea to ask!

Check on Daily and Weekly Rates

You may come across discounts for weekly rentals rather than daily rentals, and if you want to travel for a few days or are not rushed for time, renting a car for a week instead of a day may be cheaper. You may be surprised at the week-long rental price and get a better deal.

Select Your Car Wisely

No matter how tempting it is to book the cheapest car, you need to pay attention to the mileage a car will provide because if it takes up a lot of gas, it may not be the best choice. 


Travel expenses add up fast, and you need to rent a car from a reputable company. Want cheap car rentals in Vancouver? Expo Rent a Car will provide great rates, and our staff will ensure you get the best deal available.

Contact us today at 604-726-6502 or 1-800-391-6502 to learn more!